Coolbaby Nintendo NES: Intro
Coolbaby Nintendo NES: Retro Classic Video Game Console for Nintendo Entertainment System Build in 500 Games with AV-out
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About Coolbaby Nintendo NES Console
Coolbaby: Retro Console to play the Nintendo Entertainment System games. The console itself is a close match to the real deal, although it boasts old-school 9-pin controller ports (fitted upside down, charmingly) instead of Nintendo’s proprietary controller interface. Two pads are included, and they’re surprisingly robust – the only real giveaway that something is amiss is the fact that they have four buttons instead of the traditional two and a much longer cable (which is a good thing).
Pre-loaded 500 games
So, put aside your prejudices and preconceptions for a moment and join us as we dive into the often worrying world of the CoolBaby HDMI HD Video Game, a totally shameless replication of the NES Classic Mini. From the box design to the actual console itself, it’s a blatant attempt to capitalize on the success of Nintendo’s resurrected 8-bitter, but the difference here is that it comes pre-loaded with 500 games, as opposed to the 30 which ship on the real thing.
Is it easy to set up Coolbaby Console?
Yes! It is very easy! You just need to connect the included HDMI cable to your TV along with the included power supply. Then you plug in the controllers and press the power button. You are ready to play! The included controllers feel just like the original NES controllers – but with longer cable!
Included games:
Library includes titles that holds a pleasant surprises as well as some solid-gold classics. There are enough authentic releases included for you to extract enjoyment. Any system which offers Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninja Gaiden, Bomberman, Galaga, Bubble Bobble, Power Blade, Paperboy, Double Dragon etc. can’t be all bad.
Cheap as hell!
The best thing about this console is it’s price! If the original mini NES costs some serious bucks, you can have COOLBABY just for £22.
Coolbaby Verified review
I bought this for my daughters 6 & 4 and ther cousins 10 – 3 years . They wer Christmas present for whole family and it was played and adored by all kids and parents reminiscing!! Family members said the gift was more played than the expensive latest branded computers that cost 5 times as much as this… simple graphics means all ages can join in younger nursery aged kids and older kids and teenagers find it funny as simple and able to complete and more so adults could complete levels and kids impressed as we remembered secret levels and power moves… all round family fun and for the price get over 50 games to play !! Kids fully enjoyed and I became the favourite cool Aunty ever!! Parents a bit naffed off as paid out for latest computer that was now not getting played with..
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Published: 2017

Last modified: 2021-01-15
Retroconsole xyz